File Submission Layout

This file layout has been created for employers who have the ability to export new hire data from their existing payroll or human resources software. If you have any questions, or need further assistance with reporting electronically after reviewing the File Transfer page, please Contact New Jersey Child Support Employer Services Portal.

Regardless of transmission method or media type, the following file submission layout must be used.

NJ Employer File Submission Layout - Create file using FIXED-WIDTH, ASCII, or TEXT FORMAT.

Employee Information

Field Type Length Start Position End Position Status Comments
Employee Social Security Number* (No Dashes) Numeric 9 1 9 Required All zeros will be rejected; any SSN starting with '9' will also be rejected
Employee Last Name* (Must be full name) Char 18 10 27 Required A – Z, no imbedded blanks or punctuation
Employee First Name* (Must be full name) Char 12 28 39 Required A – Z, no imbedded blanks or punctuation
Employee Middle Initial* Char 1 40 40 Optional A – Z, no imbedded blanks or punctuation
Employee Address Line 1* Char 23 41 63 Required Must be Alphabetic(A–Z), Numeric(0-9), some punctuation also allowed
Employee Address Line 2 Char 23 64 86 Optional If supplied, same as Address Line 1 above
Employee City* Char 16 87 102 Required Must be Alphabetic(A–Z), some punctuation also allowed
Employee State* Char 2 103 104 Required Valid state or territory abbreviation. Not required for foreign address.
Employee Zip Code 1* Numeric 5 105 109 Required All zeros will be rejected
Employee Zip+4 Numeric 4 110 113 Optional If unknown, leave blank
Employee Foreign Country Code Char 2 114 115 Optional Blank Fill, For foreign addresses only. Refer to U.S. Department of Commerce FIPS code manual, National Institute of Standards and Technology, FIPS PUB 10-4 (April 1995).
Employee Foreign Zip Code Char 15 116 130 Optional Use only when applicable and leave U.S. Zip code blank
Employee Date of Hire* Numeric 8 131 138 Required YYYYMMDD (e.g. 20010420). The Date of Hire is defined as the date an employee first performed services for pay.
Employee Date of Birth* Numeric 8 139 146 Required YYYYMMDD (e.g. 19700420). If unknown, leave blank.
Employee Gender Char 1 147 147 Optional M or F
*Field names in bold denote required fields

Employer Information

Field Type Length Start Position End Position Status Comments
Employer Name* Char 30 148 177 Required Must be Alphabetic(A–Z), Numeric(0-9), some punctuation also allowed
Employer Payroll Address Line 1* Char 23 178 200 Required Must be Alphabetic(A–Z), Numeric(0-9), some punctuation also allowed
Employer Payroll Address Line 2 Char 23 201 223 Optional If supplied, same as Address Line 1 above
Employer Payroll City* Char 16 224 239 Required Must be Alphabetic(A–Z), some punctuation also allowed
Employer Payroll State* Char 2 240 241 Required Valid state or territory abbreviation. Not required for foreign address.
Employer Payroll Zip Code 1* Numeric 5 242 246 Required All zeros will be rejected
Employer Payroll Zip +4 Numeric 4 247 250 Optional If unknown, leave blank
Employer Foreign Country Code Char 2 251 252 Optional Blank Fill, For foreign addresses only. Refer to U.S. Department of Commerce FIPS code manual, National Institute of Standards and Technology, FIPS PUB 10-4 (April 1995).
Employer Foreign Zip Code Numeric 15 253 267 Optional Use only when applicable and leave U.S. Zip code blank
Employer FEIN (No Dashes)* Numeric 9 268 276 Required 0 - 9, all zeros will be rejected
Filler Char 44 277 320 Optional Fill with spaces, reserved for future use
*Field names in bold denote required fields
P.O. Box 4654 Trenton, NJ 08650 | Phone (877) 654-4737 | Fax (800) 304-4901